Thursday, October 30, 2008

Question of the Day

Favorite type of girl scout cookie? Just ate a Thin Mint and it was tasty... let the Suite Spot know!


Matthew Lombardi said...

Tagalongs - not even close

Unknown said...

Hate to break it to lombo the sun king, but its Samoas with Tagalongs a close second.

Mean Gene's Progeny said...

Samoas hands down. This cookie is responsible for a generation of diabetics. Delicious.

Suite Spot said...

I have the agree with the samoas... but i'm shocked no love for the thin mint, probably the most sold box of girl scout cookies... especially if you put them in the freezer for 15 minutes before eating.

New Hampshire Paulo said...

mean gene's progeny said it best, "Samoas hands down", but I'll put the frozen Thin Mints in 2nd over the Tagalongs, just the quality of chocolate used on the Taglongs is not that great.

Jonathan Toomey said...
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Jonathan Toomey said...

You're all wrong.

Chalet Cream is the correct answer.