Survivor is back, and this time in earth's last eden, Gabon Africa. There is a vast array of personalites, ranging from a bow-tie wearing physics teacher, Bob, to a retro pin-up model named Sugar. Three episodes in, we have seen some very solid challenges, a new twist on exile island, where you have a choice to find the hidden idol by opening a clue, or chill out in comfort during the night by choosing the apple. If you aren't watching or have given up on the show in season's past, now is the time to get your self back in the saddle and ride this one for the fall season.
Couple small things that stand out this season-
Great theme music- african beat, steel drums, kinda makes you feel happy just watching the show.
Atmosphere- last time the show was in Africa, Season 3, it was in a boring desert with no water, bad challenges, only a few worthy people, and little to no excitement. This year we have more of a jungle, wet, swampy landscape with hills and greenery all over.
People- We will have arguments, we have GC, a former thug turned maintanence supervisor who quote is a "grown man." Your every season of survivor old woman/man, Gillian, the wierd dude, Randy a Wedding Videographer who will never get married. Tis the irony of Survivor folks. We have an asian video game professional, enough said. The guy hasn't been kissed since high school, and if you think I'm lying We have your typical as well, a few lawyers, one gay, a doctor, a physics teacher, sales rep, and your token surivor hot waitress, Paloma. The show is stacked!
Host- Jeff Probst, thank god that Survivor took this guy away from Rock N' Roll Jeapordy. He not only is best show on any running TV show, reality or other, he is making a case to become one of the best of all time. He is crisp, wins Emmy after Emmy, asks the show contestants perfect questions that always stir the pot, and the ladies love him, including most of the ladies.
Now that i've been nice-- There are a few glitches with the show that Why do they always show dangerous animals around the tribe when they are never really that close. They recently showed an aligator in water and then immediately cut to Sugar wading in the water. The gator was probably taped in a different river at a compeletely different time. Sure its supposed to make you scared and get your adrenaline pumping, but honestly CBS after 20 seasons, we get it. They have showed the same ape like animal running to the end of the range each episode, like I said, we get it. I guess just one more thing, when deciet is about to happen on the show, find some other way to hint at it besides showing us a snake right before the grand deception.
Other than that, keep up the good work-- show is money and there's a reason we're almost 20 seasons deep in it and always is top 15 in ratings
1 comment:
GC, the thug turned "grown man"?
He is a freakin joke, weaker than the ancient bow-tie wearing physics teacher, and more stupid than your stereotypical pin-up model, Sugar. Add to this, that he acts like he's 12, and you've got a genuine moron.
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