If you're like me then you have difficulty getting your daily dose of fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm always looking for ways to more easily integrate more of my FDA prescribed 5 a day. Recently, I was given a case of Clif Kids Organic Twisted Fruit Rope. Each one is a full serving of natural fruit and I must tell you that they were delicious. I quickly ran through my supply. Unfortunately, when I went to buy replacements, I found that they were about a dollar each. That's too much for a tiny (albeit delicious) fruit rope. So began my quest to find a suitable replacement. After some struggle with various bad tasting and rubbery fruit snacks I've finally found the answer and it's right at your local Target. Archer Farms Organic Real Fruit Strips have found the perfect balance between texture, flavor, and price. Only $3 for a box of 10 strips brings this product in line with fresh fruit prices, and while it doesn't beat fresh, sometimes you can't make it down to the market. Moreover, this product is an apt replacement for sugary fruit snacks such as Fruit Rollups. The Suite Spot would like to officially endorse this quality product.
1 comment:
Dear Suite Spot,
Thanks to your review, and my similar dillema when it comes to a shortage of fruit in the diet, I bought a 2 packages of Archer Farms real fruit strips today.
I've got to agree, these things are pretty darn good!
How would I ever get by without the Suite Spot's ominous knowledge base?
Side note:
How come Raspberry is .49 more than Strawberry, especially since the first 3 ingredients are the same?
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