Friday, February 27, 2009
A Couple Random Thoughts on a Friday-- 7
Having your own opinion- I was talking to a client, a slightly older well respected fellow, this week about business, sports,the upcoming weekend, and the usual myriad of topics because after all, who really wants to talk business. During the conversation we had a clear disagreeance on a subject, think it was who the Patriots should draft this year. (yes that is part of my job description) Most times I would try and let the client "always be right" but this was my team and without thinking I abruptly and rather rude said, "I doubt that will ever happen...long pause... a quick stutter... but that's just my opinion." Ready for a lashing and an instant decrease in business I waited for his reply. "That's how the world works baby he said, you have to have an opinion or we all would still be cavemen wearing cloths and holding a club." Laughter followed, and then I realized he's right. It's always good to have your opinion and voice it when necessary, and as long as you have a reasonable basis, then stick to it. Jay Bilas, an ESPN College Basketball Analyst says quite often when someone disagrees with him or vice versa that, "Reasonable minds will disagree, but as long as there is reason, they have every right to." Now if your significant other wants to spend all your money shopping one day, and wants you to go with her to carry the bags-- that is unreasonable. You'll find out where to draw your own line on this, but appreciate the fact that people see things differently than you, it can be humbling, but next time someone disagrees with you, listen why and maybe take something away from it.
That was a little too serious-- I just passed wind under my desk. I call that laying down a bunt... Baseball term I know, but you try to sneak one by and hope the defense doesn't notice. This one appears to be a successful bunt
Going to the Knicks game tonight in baller seats-- not exactly the Celtics, but 10th row-mid court and a few cold brews go a long way
Going couples bowling tomorrow night, better than a couples screening of Revolutionary Road. I can imagine that tag line, "4 couples enter, only 1 will make there way out" If you've "scene" the movie (get it) than that last bit will make sense and maybe provide a laugh, if you haven't "scene" the movie, don't see it with your gf/wife/or other, you will contemplate breaking up with the person before the movie is over. I saw 3 engagement rings thrown at the screen when I was there. Holding my boo's hand was hard to do for the first 10 minutes after leaving.... enough said!
Also, just saw someone take a sip of their coke and put their tongue nearly down the whole bottle... not exactly a great thought to head to the weekend on, but that's all I've got...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Day the Funny Died

Friday, February 20, 2009
A Couple Random Thoughts on a Friday-- 6
1. ESPN's Streak for Cash- I don't know if any of you have done this or are doing this already, but I highly recommend it for any sports fans looking to win a cool million bucks without even spending a penny. The game can be found right off of ESPN's home page. ESPN gives you about 7 or so selections a day. "Who will win this game?" "Which player will score more points?" With a choice of two potential outcomes, Team A or Team B, Player A or Player B. If you can guess 27 consecutive outcomes in a row, you win $1,000,000 risk free. Sounds doable right? WRONG. I've been involved with this for about a month now and am 13-35-1 currently, that's a .271 clip. Pathetic, I know right! But ESPN is tricky, giving you soccer games and golf outcomes that are nearly impossible to choose. Especially when outside of 6 teams, I know nothing of EURO league soccer. You take my .071 soccer score, and my .000 Tennis score, you can understand my pain. My best win streak is 3, College hoops is the only sport where I stay afloat, makes sense as I am a hoops Guru. I pick results that are supposed to happen, they just never do. I have been a burden to any team I pick. The Magic should beat the Bobcats tonight, that is a choice, I know that if I pick the Magic tonight, they will lose. Murphy's law states, "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Well, lets just rename Murphy's Law and call it Herbie's Law, sounds better and is much more accurate! Even with my disdain and disgust for this game, check it out!
Unfortunately-- that's all I have today, I have to go take a test so I can keep my license and my job!
Don't be upset faithful who helped us turn 3000 yesterday, we were 10 days quicker to 3000 then we were to 2000. Thanks again all..
Have a good weekend
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Eastbound and Down

Friday, February 13, 2009
A Couple Random Thoughts on a Friday--5

It's Friday and I'm Bored
1. Flight 3407- They say bad things come in 3's. So that worries me for people who are flying right now. I know of 6-8 people who are flying Continental Airlines today, and it does worry me a bit. One of them being the boo herself. (yes faithful, that means I am spending V- day drinking a 6-pack of loneliness) First plane crash, our hero, Sully landed his passengers in the freezing Hudson river, everyone survived! I wake up this morning at 5:45 turn on the news and learn of the second crash, a connector jet that landed on a house, killing all passengers I believe 49 and one grounded citizen. So crash one,-100% survival, crash two- 0% survival but a small plane. Hopefully the saying about bad things doesn't apply here, b/c it feels the third could be the biggest and worst of them all. I love flying, and continue to think it is the safest means of fast, normally reliable transport, but this is truly saddening. My deepest sympathies out to the families of the victims of this and any crash.
2. Survivor-- The latest season of Survivor kicked off last night with 16 eager survivors trying to Outwit, Outlast, Outplay and win a cool million bucks. Set in the Tocantins, Brazil. This season has the fixings to be a good one. Cast appears to be diverse and lively, challenges started off strong, and host Jeff Probst won't settle for a show that is sub-par. With 16 survivors in the first episode it was difficult to get to know them all, but a few were profiled last night. A dumb old lady bus driver named Sandy who people will end up feeling bad and root for. This lady was given a clue "walk 10 paces towards the palm tree" Problem is, she didn't know what a pace was! How can you not know what a pace is? I was shocked and cracked up with laughter. A pace is a four-letter word that I thought 100% of the non mentally-challenged populous of this nation knew. Sandy proved me wrong, and proved me wrong quick. I am intrigued to watch her the rest of the season so that she can help me become a dumber person. Picture the real-life Lloyd Christmas at 47 years old, female and driving a big-yellow school bus. The girl who got voted off last night had an endowment that would rival any of the ivy league schools. Carolina meet Harvard. Sad to see her go because she also sported a "Cindy Crawford" A birthmark/mole or other mark on your face that makes you look hot and not Fugly. She has hers right above her lip, as Borat would say "That's a Nice." I sport a similar one on my neck that made me share a bond with her and root for her. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
3. Keen's chophouse- NYC steakhouse that I went to last night. This is what I call a "gentleman's steakhouse". I felt like I was in the 1930's last night, only I wasn't wearing a top hat and smoking a cigar. Both of which were the norm at Keen's before smoking was banned in bars, and top hats went out of style! Either way, went there to meet a client, and talk shop over a beer or two. Twice during our stay a server came around and dropped off a basket with 3 ribs in it. (They are on the house for patrons who are near the bar) The ribs were good as were the fries and steak skewers we ordered! It's a great place to go with your buddies before heading to MSG as it is a mere 3 blocks away, not a place to bring your sweetheart, she'd hate it and the other men around would hate you for bringing a waft of estrogen into the bar. I've eaten dinner there as well... very tasty.
4. Valentine's Day- Drinking a 6-pack of loneliness this weekend? Anyone with me? The Boo is out of town-- will be celebrating at a later date... if she's lucky!!!
5. NBA All Star Weekend- It's in Phoenix this year, and should be exciting,if for nothing else the dunk contest. I'm curious to see the creativity of Dwight Howard this year, and to see if 5'10 Nate Robinson can do any dunks he didn't do a few years back. The East will win this year, Lebron will find a way to do more than Kobe and win the MVP, even though Kobe is still the best player in the league/ world. Sleeper pick- Paul Pierce for MVP
Have a good weekend all
Monday, February 9, 2009
A-rod = Amazing Player + Horrible Judgement

In 1996, Alex Rodriguez tossed up an unprecedented rookie season. His .358 batting average led the league while popping 36 homers and 123 RBI. He also led the league in runs (141), doubles (54), and total bases (379). Factor in some great defense and you could argue not only that he's never been better, but that this was the greatest season ever for a shortstop. How do you follow this up? Well you can't really, but you can go on to be the best player of your generation and such a natural talent even accusations from a (sadly) credible source in Jose Canseco were laughed off despite the fact that his books have been eerily accurate to this point. When A-Rod's home run totals spiked to near 60 in '01-'02, people credited it to his natural improvement and the bandbox nature of his home stadium. When he got noticeably bigger after his trade to the Yankees, it was attributed to getting older, or adjusting to his new position of third base. All these red flags and even the biggest A-Rod hater wouldn't think to pin performance enhancing drugs on him.
Friday, February 6, 2009
A Couple Random Thoughts on a Friday-- 4
1. So for Super Bowl Sunday, my one roommate who cares about sports is away, and I'm heavily craving Pizza/Wings/Chips/Dip Ice cold beer and all the finer things to enjoy on such a holiday. I had a few boxes in a few different pools, and I decided to lay some loot on the Cardinals moneyline. For you non degenerates out there, that means simply to just win the game, there is no spread. So I'm amped to watch the game see a few commercials laugh it up a bit and enjoy myself before another 5-day work week kicks me in my Munk (man-junk) repeatedly. So I walk into the living room to find two hungover souls watching step brothers, we're 15 minutes from pre-game festivities, and no one had even mentioned ordering pizza and wings yet. I didn't even have a cold beer in my hand. I needed to call an audible, and I needed to do it fast. Luckily I'm as social as Stevie Wonder is blind, my first phone call turned into an instant invite to a party at a buddies place. I asked what I had to bring, he said nothing, when a friend says nothing it means show up with a sixer or two and call yourself welcomed. Hopped in a cab down there went to a D'agostinos to pick up some brewski. (Small sidebar if any of you have brothers, call them broski a few times, its addicting and fun to say, and it makes you thirsty for a beverage of the adult variety, in turn making you an alcoholic) I walked by a bar on the way in and saw them flipping the coin, I was a half block away and had to hurry. I hate missing kickoff-- its like watching Lost and starting from the 3rd season or reading a book and starting on page 200, it's criminal. Went right to the cold beer section grabbed a sixer of Yuengling black and Tan, and a sixer of the Saranac Brewery Variety (Light beer drinkers, this variety pack is not for you!) Everything was going as planned until I got to the register where I ran into plumpy mcghee. This stout woman who was the Latin equivalent of Yokozuno took 3 minutes looking at my ID, couldn't find my birth date and called the manager for assistance. I'm ticked and then I hear the guy behind me mutter under his breath "Damn, I'm gonna miss kickoff!" Well me too brother, if Bertha wasn't taking so long with my ID I'd be in front of the couch already.
I finally show up to the apartment, 3 minutes of the game had gone by, I was ticked but my friends gave me the full recap. The spread was delicious, bean dip, scoops, queso, salsa, pizza on the way, mozzarella balls wrapped in prosciutto, Brownies, and in the back corner, a dozen Dunkin Donuts. I couldn't believe it. I only knew three people there, but as I have no shame this was my icebreaker. "Who brought the donuts?" Depressingly, the guy owns up to it, and everyone laughs at him. This guy obviously didn't have his game face on when he made his purchase. Either that or he sits when he pees! As the game went on it was evident to my friends that was either a Cardinals fan, or that I had some baggage riding on the game. So I explained the bet and all the females asked their boyfriends quietly, "What does he mean by Moneyline?" The guys who knew answered immediately, and the metro sexual boyfriends who watch Oxygen and Bravo with their GF's instead of testosterone filled channels like ESPN had the same puzzled look as they did when the audience chose Reuben Stoddard instead of "Clay the only thing Aiken is my arse."
Regardless the game got real close near the end, and with Arizona driving down 20-16 I said that if Arizona won the game I would everyone of the donuts left in the box, which happened to be all of them. Arizona scores 30-seconds later, and much like Adam when he took a bite of the poisonous apple, which doomed him. I took a bite of the "POISONOUS CHOCOLATE FROSTED" when there was still 2:47 on the clock for Pitt to come back and score, win the Superbowl, take my money, and leave everyone in the apartment dying in laughter. Lesson learned, I took a bite before my destiny was filled, and I paid not only the piper, but The House as well. My broski, who had the opposite bet,shot me a text that night "You are a team's worst nightmare!" That sums it up... Damn you guy who brought the donuts in the first place.
One small side note- Bruce Springsteen's halftime show was great, he is 59 years old and can still really wail. Imagine someone you know that age sliding crotch first into a camera jamming out in tight black jeans and a guitar from 1983... not a pretty sight is it!!
For another great live performance check out this cut of Worlds Apart This is a man passionate in his craft... and he has a great guitar solo at the 4:35 mark or so!!
2. Do English girls and other surrounding cold/ sunless countries wear makeup? Are they naturally uglier? I know you have a good one here and there, but something just seems off about them. Hygiene maybe, I'm not really sure. I mean girls in Seattle don't seem too have the same problem. Maybe it's in the air... or maybe Proctor & Gamble is still ticked about how we were treated in the 1700s and won't ship them any toothpaste.... Jury's out on this one folks...
Until next time all ye faithful--
The Suite Spot Weekly TV Round Up: 2/1-2/7

- Seeing as how Penny and Desmond aren't married, we can assume that the baby took his mother's name. While it's quite likely that the baby was indeed named after Charlie Pace, his formal name would be? Charles Widmore. I posit that Penny just gave birth to her own father. Think about it.
- And speaking of lineage, let me throw these two guesses out there as well: Daniel is Charlotte's father and Miles is the son of Pierre Chang.
- And for my final trick, by the end of this season, we're going to find out that Richard Alpert, and possibly some of the other early Others, have only four toed feet. Realistically, whomever's been on the island the longest built that statue and it's safe to guess they built it in the only image they knew - their own.
And for you word freaks who loved finding out that "Hoffs/Drawlar" was an anagram for "flash forward" (the funeral home from the season three finale), then you'll love this: the carpet cleaning van that Ben had been driving Locke's body around in bears the name Canton-Rainier and that's an anagram for reincarnation. So even though most have assumed it anyway, I'd say it's for certain now that Jeremy Bentham has not taken his last breath.
Now, some quick thoughts on shows that everyone should be watching, but not enough are:
- Battlestar Galactica (airs Fridays at 10PM on SciFi) - Entering the tail end of its fourth and final season, BSG has proven to be one of the most well written and well acted dramas on TV. I shunned the show initially because I was never a fan of anything even remotely similar to Star Trek. That being said, BSG is not Star Trek. It's an incredibly layered, smart, textured narrative that says far more about human nature, intolerance, and ethics, than it does about stun rays and warp speed. I blew through the first three seasons on DVD in about two weeks. You will too.
- Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations (airs Mondays at 10PM on Travel Channel): I didn't even know the Travel Channel existed and had you mentioned this show to me, I would have assumed it was on Food Network... mainly because Bourdain used to be. AB:NR is much more than a Tasty Travels rip-off though. It's part Planet Earth, part Sundance documentary, part cooking show, and it's all narrated by one of the most likable assholes currently on TV.
- Friday Night Lights (airs Friday at 9PM on NBC): This show is going to get canceled. Period. And it's a damn shame too. Arguably one of the greatest sports dramas to ever grace the small screen, FNL (a spin-off of the film in title and topic only), is the quintessential slice of Americana that everyone can relate to. Unfortunately, the ratings have never been there and had DirecTV not ponied up to secure first-run airing rights for the third season (which is now airing in its second run broadcast premiere on NBC), then season two probably would have been the end for Dillon Panthers.
And finally, a look to the future. I recently screened the opening minutes of the new ABC drama The Unusuals a few weeks ago and I think the alphabet network might be on to something with this one. In a TV landscape that's still dominated with police dramas, it takes a lot to stand-out. ABC has already grabbed one success this season with Life on Mars (that's another one that you should be watching and probably aren't) and I'm guessing The Unusuals (premieres Wednesday, April 8th, at 10PM) will follow suit.
As always, comments are welcome, and thanks for reading.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
LOST Prediction