Feeling blue this holiday season? Between the holidays and the economy, everybody is a bit off their game. One other element that could be affecting you just might be Seasonal Affective Disorder. That's the effect that the winter season has on our mood, particularly if it reoccurs each year. A variety of factors could be the root of the problem, from the cold weather to family stress. The most common cause is the lack of light that we all suffer from this time of year due to staying inside and the shorter periods of daylight. One sure fire way to treat the winter blues is to add more light to your life. Particularly effective are full spectrum lamps. These are lights that produce a true white light that closely resembles the sun's rays as opposed to dim yellow incandescent lamps or overly harsh fluorescent bulbs. An additional benefit is that the light simply looks better than regular lamps so you'll find it easier and more pleasant to read or do other household tasks. I've had one as my desk lamp for years now and I swear by it. Ask for one for Christmas or make it a nice gift for a loved one who could use some cheering up.
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