Its Friday and I'm bored...
1. Damages Season 2- Previewed in an earlier post, I watched the premier on Wednesday night... My advice, watch this show. You'll like it! Also, the main character Ellen Parsons, played by Rose Byrnes, grows on you and gets hotter every time you watch an episode. She has a freckle under each eye that is close but not even from each other, its her Cindy Crawford. It's kinda of like having an extra private part, men crave it for whatever reason. I am not complaining. Show is well written too, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I think Rose Byrne got hotter during the time it took me to write that blurb. She's like moss on a rock, just grows on you over time!
2. Female bathroom etiquette- I hear a lot "Mark, make sure you put the seat down when your done!" And I do understand that since men's intestines are shaped differently that we in general have more and worse gas. I can deal with all of that, but ladies please when going number 1, taking a pee-pee, or whatever you may call it, after your done and you wipe your tinkle (too bad you can't jiggle like the boys huh) make sure it hits the water in the bowl. Don't leave it on the beach, make sure it lands in the ocean. The nausea caused on many men when they enter the bathroom and see a golden sponge sitting on the beach is intense. It is just as easy to hit the water as it is for us men to put the seat down. I'll work on it if you do!! "If you want us to put the seat down, make sure your wipe makes the sound!"
3. 24 premier's on Sunday- Make this a game, a drinking game! Put an over/under on how many people die and drink whenever one does. Remember this is a two hour premier. Drink whenever he raises his voice, asks Chloe to upload anything to his PDA, when he describes his simple location as something very complex. Example-- Simple- Chloe I'm in a sewer on Edgar Styles ln.... Complex- Chloeeeeee, I'm stuck in an underwater garbage and water recycling public works structure with water at knee level. Drink if you see Tony Almeda (oops did I ruin a surprise??) Drink and adjust pants whenever his daughter is shown. Drink whenever he says Bomb. Also by the end of the first episode everyone has to pick their "mole" within CTU of the season. Winner gets a free beer from each participant! Make up some own rules, get creative, leave suggestions in our comments section!!
4. Listen to Jim Valvano's speech from the 1993 espy's this weekend. It is sad, motivating and inspirational. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePXlkqkFH6s Gives me chills every time I watch it, it will go down as one of the best speeches of all time, and I know there are many famous others, Gettysburg, I have a Dream, My Fellow Americans, Jimmy V. If you watch and listen to this speech you will get a lot out of it. I've watched it 50 times now and it only gets better. If you don't feel like watching take this out of it, "To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. Number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." Try it out... you will be better for doing it!
That's all for now.... look for random thoughts to become a regular post in this blog!
1.) Rose Byrnes - I didn't really think so in Damages season 1, but first episode of season 2 = HOT. She definitely looks better when she's not dressed in her standard lawyer's attire (take that as you will).
Besides having a smoking hot tomolley in the lead role, I truly enjoy a show that makes me think out numerous paths and possibilities where attention to character details is imperative to figuring the next move. Show is really a huge chess game, love it.
2.) ladies need clean the tinkle spray that gathers under the rim of the seat, some of you are messy pee-ers!
3.) I nominate your Jack Bauer post the best ever, especially the part about describing his simple location in complex terms... freakin great.
Remember this people, Jack Bauer sleeps with a gun under the pillow. But he could kill you with the pillow.
4.) Jim Valvano = hero, but not superhero, as superheroes are totally flaming
I feel that it is necessary to respond to the second point on this post…
I have been in my fair share of rest rooms. As a woman of the world I can tell you this… 1) The only time “tinkle” gets on a seat is if the tinkler squats. 2) The only time a girl squats is if the toilet is filthy. 3) Clean your bathroom and your problem will go away.
I am not condoning pee on a toilet seat. In fact, I think its gross and the additional 5 seconds to wipe it off should be considered mandatory. I wouldn’t expect anyone to wipe my pee off a seat.
As for the gas comment…. I can think of a number of, gassy gals out there would give any dude a run for his money. But, I am sure they prefer to remain anonymous.
Happy Friday!
Forget Rose Byrnes, how about Renee on 24. WOW!
I swear if I have to hear Jimmy V's speech one more time...
- Renee Walker (Annie Wersching) will be at my place on Mondays
- Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrnes) will be at my place on Wednesdays
If I have to chose one though... I'm with DK --> Annie Wersching = hello amazingness
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