Friday, January 30, 2009
A Couple Random Thoughts on a Friday-- 3
1. If you live in NYC like I do, do yourself a favor and give Smith and Wollensky's a try. Went there on Tuesday night, now I've been there three or so times in the past so I am familiar with their service and meat quality. I have not been disappointed yet. Its a classic steakhouse with men's cuts and delicious apps and desserts. Wine list is good enough for me and the drinks are made like a 14 year old watching Baywatch, stiff. I had the crab meat cocktail and calamari for an app, a fillet for dinner and chocolate mousse cake for dessert. All very plentiful and filling. I was so full I had to limp home b/c 14 ounces of succulent beef was stuck in my left chamber of my stomach. Either way try it out... it's not only in NYC either other locations Chicago, Miami, D.C. Vegas, Philly, Columbus, Houston and Boston. I have had better steaks, but this place is consistently an A rated place for a men's meal.
2. Youtube video of the week-- A co-worker sent this to me earlier this week. Most of it appears to be fake, but its freakish anyway and really fun to watch.
Especially three kicks in a row to the bell tower from Mason Crosby, are you kidding me?
3. Spent last weekend in Dallas, TX for a college friends wedding- People were very friendly, don't know what kind of Tequila I was drinking maybe Silver Souza but it was potent, plentiful, and pleasing. Yes that's an alliteration.
4. I had 5 or so brews last night, nothing heavy or anything, but I did forget to eat dinner. You wake up the next day with a weird feeling in your stomach. I'm not sure what the feeling is, but I can assure you its not pleasant. Strangest part is, you try and eat a disgusting breakfast eggs, bacon, and cheese and you can only put half of it down because you don't feel hungry, even though you haven't eaten in 16 hours. I'm no science major, but lets add this one to the list of things to figure out... Cancer, AIDS, why people like OPRAH, day after hunger followed by no appetite. In that order!! I hate Oprah and her book club.
5. I work on wall st we don't get paid high salaries we make it up on bonus. I officially hate Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Welcome to the United Socialist States of America. He is going to screw a lot of people over and NYC will only weaken when no one can afford to live here etc. He won't understand the effects for a few years when his approval ratings are bush-like. I hope I have to eat my words... but right now I'm going to eat a sandwich...
Have a good weekend all faithful--
UFC 94 Preview/ Prediction

It's the biggest fight of the year and it's only January! The rematch everyone has been waiting for: B.J. Penn vs. Georges St. Pierre for the UFC Welterweight Title.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Taken with Taken

Liam Neeson stars as a badass in search of his kidnapped daughter in Taken. Otherwise a by-the-numbers thriller, Taken scores big in the action department. The film starts slow, setting the mood and casually introducing Neeson's character as a sympathetic figure due to events in his life, but once Taken gets rolling... look out! Liam Neeson is an inspired choice as the lead and you can tell that he really buys into the role. In a world of warmed over Bournes and Transporters, Taken is as good as it gets nowadays if you're looking for an action thrill-ride.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Our Answer to Yesterday's Hoop Question
On one side of the coin you have the ACC, with perennial powerhouses in Duke and UNC, and a strong supporting cast this year with Wake Forest and Clemson. We'll say these four teams are locks in the tourney. After these four you do fall off a cliff a bit. Virginia Tech, FSU, BC and Miami are all teams that have showed signs this year, but are not consistent enough to be locks and two if not three of these teams might see themselves playing in the NIT instead of the big dance. Keep in mind, every team has that one night where they don't perform and lose to a lesser opponenet but these four teams do that too often. Lets break it down...
V-tech- Big wins- @ Wake, @ Miami, BC. Bad losses- Seton Hall, @ Georgia, Wisconsin.
Miami- Big wins- @BC, BAd losses - N.C State and a blow out by UNC
BC - Big wins- UNC Bad losses- Harvard, St. Louis (yes you read that right, Harvard and the Billicans of St. Louis)
FSU- Big wins- Florida Bad losses- Northwestern
After these teams competition drops off and competitive teams of old - GA Tech, Maryland, NC State are just not good this year!
As of now I see 5 teams dancing from the ACC- Duke, UNC, Wake, Clemson, and V-Tech . I do worry about the alliterative Classic Clemson Collapse which seems to happen when they get to 15 wins. They have 17 now and have lost 2 of their last 3. Watch out!
Also from the polls, the ACC has 4 ranked teams, 3 of which in the top 10...
The flip-side of that coin is the Big East- A tough, physical, gritty conference with league legends Georgetown, Syracuse, UCONN, and St. Johns. People are talking that this league can get 9 teams in to the dance this year, and maybe even 10 (that I doubt the committe will ever let happen) Right now I think that the Big East has 6 locks with three teams on the bubble. Marquette, Louisville, UCONN, Pitt, Syracuse, and Nova are in. Georgetown, Notre Dame and West Virginia are on the verge, and Providence has a shot as well. Mene Gene made the argument of sample size and how the extra teams in the Big East help aid it in being a more "powerful" conference. Agreed to a point but that same argument can be said if the big east had only 4 strong teams and 12 weak teams, you would say that since there are 12 weak teams and only 4 teams with merit, that it was overall a weak conference. I look at it as how many teams are going to get in the tournament, the Big East's RPI's when the numbers finally come out, will be very strong, and their SOS (strength of schedule) will be one main factor in such a good RPI. That stat basically spells out a great deal how strong your conference is, as a higher percentage of games are in and not out of conference... advantage big east
Big East has 8 teams in the top 25 with a few lurking on the outskirts. To the ACC's 4.
Big East has 4 top ten teams to the ACC's 3.
Big East teams play a harder schedule.
Not saying that the best team is in the Big East, I think its either in the ACC (UNC) or Big 12- Oklahoma, but as far as a conference goes, this year Big East is the cream of the crop.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Suite Spot turns 2000
TSS- Herbie,Beardo,Tooms, KLB
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
MLB Network-- Thank you God (and Time Warner)
Regardless, this channel has it all, and it will air some out of market games during the regular season, and will have so much spring training coverage it will be like a month long Christmas for baseball fans. Hopefully if this channel is successful it will spur the NFL, NBA, and others to come through my cable box. I'll settle for now
Friday, January 16, 2009
A Couple Random Thoughts on a Friday-- 2

Its Friday and I'm bored...
1. It was so cold out this morning, that even waiting for the subway I could still see my breath. I won't get into the many ways the NYC subway system is flawed, but my feet, all three legs, hands and face are still freezing now and it's been 3.5 hours since I was last outside! I 'm shocked that in a city filled with technology, we can't have space heaters (and air conditioners in the summer) underground in the subway system. More importantly bus-stops where you aren't underground and shielded from the brutal cold/ wind. Either way I'm cold, as was my heart as I wrote that.
2. American Idol-- This is the only time I'll watch, or even entertain the thought of watching American Idol, the very beginning. This is the pure entertainment value of the show, some people are strong, some people are just god awful, some people just do it to get on TV. I watch it solely for the laughter I get from Simon's expressions when one of the said awful is trying out. Usually a jaw drop, blinkless face followed by a hilarious comment. This week after telling a contestant he was one of the worst he'd ever seen, the contestant said maybe he needs a year of practice and that he'd come back next year. Simon responded by telling him that he should find something else to do with his life, b/c a lifetime of practice will never make him have a good voice. The truth is, he's right!! I know being white and under 6 feet tall I will never play professional basketball no matter how hard I practice. Growing up, I practiced hard, taking jumpshots til midnight in the winter time, learning how to dribble without looking at the ball by looking at the sky at night and learning the constellations, playing with kids 4-7 years older than me and getting to their level of play. It made me a very good basketball player, but I lacked some of the genetics that would have helped me play competitively at a higher level. I fully believe in dreaming about doing something great and achieving it, and I do believe that hard work will always pay off. The problem is, some things are just plain unattainable and people need to realize that sometimes dreams are just that --- dreams. Sorry to bash peoples hopes out there. Certain people aren't built for certain things, no matter how big the dream. Which leads me to one of the best things I've seen on American Idol followed by one of the worst things I've ever seen. Scott Macintyre was the first blind contestant I'd seen on the show, and they setup a whole story about his road and his talent. He showed up with the aid of a walking stick and human companion and absolutely wowed America. This man dreamed big, and in this case it aided by his talent, came through. A mesmerizing audition and a golden ticket to Hollywood was followed by a disgrace to him on national TV. Host Ryan Seacrest, how he is hosting a major TV show is sill a joke to me, tried to hi-five a blind person after he came out of the audition The man is blind Seacrest, cut him some slack. Either way this show is only good to watch for another two weeks, until it matters!
3. A lot of responses to my Rose Byrnes comment. Yes she is hot, but I never said she was the hottest thing on TV. I will be watching Damages episode two later today, Will keep you updated!
4.- Song of the Week- Dyer Maker by Led Zeppelin-- One of the better songs of all time, and in my opinion the best if not one of the best drummed songs of all time. John Bonham's drum solo about 2.5 minutes in is impressive and the song is very addicting and melodic. Sheryl Crow recently covered the song and does a bangup job, she even plays the accordion. Not the sexiest thing in the world having a girl playing accordion but Sheryl pulls it off and covers the song well. Specifically listen to it at the 1:11- 1:14 mark where she spices it up a bit. Check it out
Have a good weekend---
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
71, 77, 74, 73, 74, 73, 72

Bagels on Monday
UFC 93 Preview/Prediction

Friday, January 9, 2009
A Couple Random Thoughts on a Friday

We're Back....Here's to a great 2009
--Herbie,Beardo,Tooms, Keith