Monday, November 3, 2008

Question of the Day

Sticking with the food theme, Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch Doritios? Let the Suite Spot know!


Unknown said...

oh please nacho cheese, its not even close... anything with the words "nacho" and "cheese" is an unstopable combination. done, done and done.

Unknown said...

This very question has been a hot topic for the Oswego girls for nearly twenty years! I recall many a slumber party where one of the two flavors was left off the snack menu leading to dispute.

I personally, have found myself to be a moderate when it comes to the Dorito’s corn chip saga. On one hand you have nacho cheese- the flag ship flavor. Nacho cheese was there before all of the other rif-raff flavors moved into Nacholand. On the other hand, cool rand, a zesty rival that provides the consumer a delayed zip of taste bud satisfaction.

Here’s what I think- What Nacho cheese lacks in spice, it more than makes up for in reliability. It is and always will be the taste of Doritos. What cool ranch provides in robust taste, and savory flare it lacks in consistency. It is delicious but can get lost in the sea of other evolving Dorito flavors.

I hope my input has added value…

New Hampshire Paulo said...

I'll start by saying that I love Katie's use of "Nacholand".

I'm gonna have to go cool ranch on this one, only because Doritos watered down their original nacho cheese gig with extreme nacho cheese, which I think is actually better than the original (more cheese is always better).

for this I give cool ranch, a cool Chuck Norris thumbs up