Growing up in New Hampshire I knew of only four escalators. Two at the Mall of New Hampshire in Manchester, and the other two at the Rockingham Mall in Salem. Riding them was like a 15 second amusement park ride. It was your chance to run down them and beat your buddy, your chance to run up a downward moving escalator to show your youthful brawn and very youthful brain. Times have since changed for me, and now escalators are a mode of transportation for me in New York City. Thousands of us use them every day, and they are treated like a highway. If you are on the right side of the escalator you respect the right to standstill and relax, and by relax I don't mean pass wind on the pour soul behind you because you had chinese for lunch. The left "lane" is the passing lane with hurried bodies rushing up and down. And when people use the left lane for the standstill and create a "road" block people get ticked and rage semmingly escalates, pun fully intended. You hear small talk, "Oh they must not be from around here!", or "Look at that old bag slowing us up!" Folks lets treat this mode of transport like the pedestrian highway it is. and please always remember to signal before changing lanes or passing gas.